KNOXVILLE — Todd Diacon has been named Executive Director for Academic Assessment and Program Support for the University of Tennessee System, effective July 15. Prior to this appointment, he served as vice provost for academic operations at UT Knoxville.
“Dr. Diacon’s 20-year career with the University coupled with his experience in strengthening academic offerings and improving student success made him a clear choice for this role,” said Bonnie Yegidis, UT vice president for academic affairs and student success.
In his new position, Diacon directs academic program development, review and assessment. He oversees transfer and articulation agreements for pre-major curricula and general education requirements in accordance with the state mandate for all two- and four-year institutions as well as accreditation activities at UT. He also has administrative oversight for system-wide student service and success initiatives. This position was previously titled associate vice president for academic affairs and student success and has been vacant since August 2008.
“This is a critical time for higher education in Tennessee, and Dr. Diacon’s work with the campuses will allow UT to best serve the students and thus the state,” Yegidis added.
Diacon, who first joined the UT Knoxville faculty in 1989 as an assistant professor of history, was the director of the University’s Brazil summer study abroad program and the director of UT’s Latin American studies program. He served as head of the history department and also as the University’s NCAA faculty athletics representative.
As vice provost, he oversaw all aspects of undergraduate programming and created numerous student success initiatives aimed at improving retention and graduation rates.
“I am committed to helping students succeed in the classroom and beyond, and I believe any step we can take to do that ultimately improves their quality of life and is a sound investment in the state’s future,” said Diacon. “I look forward to continuing my service to this great University in a new way.”
Diacon published an award-winning book on Brazilian history in 2004 titled “Stringing Together a Nation” and is a contributing writer on student success and administration for Inside Higher Education. He also is a graduate of, and facilitator for, the UT Leadership Institute. Diacon earned a bachelor’s degree from Southwestern College in Kansas and master’s and doctoral degrees in Latin American history from the University of Wisconsin, Madison.
Tags: Todd Diacon