June 5, 2015
The board of directors and officers of the University of Tennessee Foundation will meet Friday, June 12, in Knoxville.
The meeting will begin at 9:30 a.m. EDT in Salons A&B of the Hilton Downtown, 501 W. Church Street.
Informational agenda items include:
- University President’s report
- UT Foundation President’s report
- Development Committee quarterly report
- Directorship Committee annual conflict of interest and ethics statements and evaluations
- Executive Committee standing committees and chair appointments
- Finance Committee review of quasi endowments established, financial update and investment report
- Real Estate Committee transactions
- UC Foundation SMILE Fund showcase
- Recognition of retiring directors
Action agenda items include:
- Communications Committee proposed committee dissolution
- Directorship Committee election of directors, election of officers and a resolution providing executive session
- Finance Committee FY 2016 preliminary budget
The foundation’s mission is to enrich the lives of the students, faculty, staff, alumni and friends of the University of Tennessee through alumni engagement, financial stewardship and private gift support. A nonprofit corporation, the foundation helps meet the needs of the University by augmenting state and institutional funds.
For more information about the UT Foundation, visit www.utfi.org.
Anyone with a disability who wishes to attend this meeting may contact the individual listed below to request auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate attendance. Contact may be made in person, by writing, by email, by telephone or otherwise and should be received no later than 5 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, June 9.
Chandra Harris-McCraycharrismccray@utfi.org
(865) 974-2899
600 Andy Holt Tower, 1331 Circle Park, Knoxville, TN 37996