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State of the University Address

State of the University address


To: UT Faculty, Staff and Students statewide
From: UT President Joe DiPietro

Today, I will make a detailed presentation on the University of Tennessee’s statewide achievements, challenges and positions on significant issues. My first-ever State of the University address will be available to you live via webcast, beginning at 3 pm CST/4 pm EST this afternoon at:

I am preparing my message based on what I believe is of interest to the UT family and most significant to the University’s current and future outlook. That includes the accomplishments and achievements we can all celebrate, and the issues concerning the University and much of higher education.

Because it takes all of us, working together, to achieve our dramatic UT Impact across the state and beyond, I hope you’ll be able to join me via webcast and offer your feedback afterward. If your schedule won’t permit you to watch the webcast live, please do so at your convenience afterward, as the presentation will be archived and accessible online immediately after it concludes.

In addition to my summary of the current State of the University, I also look forward to recognizing the inaugural class of President’s Award winners. This new program will honor three employees, selected from across the statewide system each year, for their exceptional contributions in one of the University’s three mission focus areas: Educate, Discover, Connect.

Log on and tune in:
Day: Tuesday, Feb. 16
Time: 3 pm CST/ 4 pm EST

Thank you again for all you do to enable our UT Impact.

All the best,