KNOXVILLE – Special meetings of the University of Tennessee Board of Trustees and its Audit and Compliance Committee will be held on March 15 by teleconference.
The committee meeting will begin at 11 a.m. EDT/10 a.m. CDT followed by the board meeting at approximately 11:30 a.m. EDT/10:30 a.m. CDT. Both teleconference meetings will originate from the West Wing in the Haslam College of Business, located at 1000 Volunteer Boulevard in Knoxville.
The Audit and Compliance Committee will consider the committee chair’s recommendation for appointment, compensation and other terms of employment of the chief audit and compliance officer. It also will set Audit and Compliance Committee meeting dates for 2019 and 2020.
The full board will consider UT Interim President Randy Boyd’s recommendation for the appointment, compensation and other terms of employment of the vice president for development and alumni affairs/president and CEO of the UT Foundation. It also will consider the Audit and Compliance Committee’s recommendation for the appointment, compensation and other terms of employment of the chief audit and compliance officers.
The meeting will be webcast live and archived for later viewing; a link to the webcast will be available at tennessee.edu. The full agenda for each meeting and materials are available at https://trustees.tennessee.edu/ or by contacting the individuals below.
Anyone with a disability who wishes to attend this meeting may contact the individuals listed below to request auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate attendance. Contact may be made in person, by writing, by email, by telephone or otherwise and should be received no later than 5 p.m. EST, Wednesday, March 13.
Melissa Tindellmtindell@tennessee.edu
823 Andy Holt Tower, 1331 Circle Park, Knoxville, TN 37996
Jennifer Sicking
P-265 Andy Holt Tower, 1331 Circle Park, Knoxville, TN 37996