Knoxville – The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees will meet virtually Feb. 25.
Following continued guidance by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding COVID-19 and in compliance with the Tennessee Pledge and local guidelines, the meetings will be held virtually with Board members participating electronically or by telephone. Interested individuals are encouraged to watch the meeting online. The meeting will be webcast live and archived for later viewing; a link to the webcast will be available at tennessee.edu.
The meetings are scheduled as follows:
- 8:30 a.m. EST/7:30 a.m. CST— Audit and Compliance Committee (Public Session)
- 11 a.m. EST/10 a.m. CST— Education, Research and Service Committee
- 1:30 p.m. EST/12:30 p.m. CST— Finance and Administration Committee
- 3:30 p.m. EST/2:30 p.m. — Full Board
Immediately following the public session of the Audit and Compliance Committee, the committee will convene in a nonpublic, executive session pursuant to Tennessee Code Annotated §4-35-108 to review:
- external audits
- fraud, waste and abuse update
- investigation update
- litigation update
If the meetings end earlier or later than expected, the next meeting will begin following a short break.
Agenda items include:
- President’s address
- Legislative update
- Revised mission statements
- UT values
- Proposed 2021 goals and objectives
- Revised fiscal year 2020-21 operating budget
- Fiscal year 2021-22 tuition and fees for the UT Health Science Center
- Paid parental leave policy
- Renaming of Orange Hall in honor of Rita Sanders Geier and White Hall in honor of Theotis Robinson Jr.
- Annual report on finances of intercollegiate athletics programs
- Revisions to Student Code of Conduct Rules, UT Knoxville
- Student experience survey presentation
- Revisions to internal audit charter
- Adoption of 2021 internal audit plan
- Adoption of 2021 institutional compliance workplan
The full agendas and materials for the meetings have been posted to the Board website and are available at: https://trustees.tennessee.edu/.
Requests to address the Board may be submitted using the online form or the pdf at: https://trustees.tennessee.edu/requests-to-address-the-board/. Requests will be accepted until 5 p.m. EST on Monday, Feb. 22. While the Board’s Standing Rule will apply, given the current environment regarding COVID-19, accommodations will be granted to allow for remote participation by scheduled speakers.
Anyone with a disability or otherwise needing assistance to attend this virtual meeting may contact the individuals listed below to request auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate attendance. Contact may be made in writing, by email, or by telephone and should be received no later than 5 p.m. EDT, Tuesday, Feb. 23.
Jennifer Sickingjsicking@tennessee.edu
P-265 Andy Holt Tower, 1331 Circle Park, Knoxville, TN 37996
Melissa Tindell
823 Andy Holt Tower, 1331 Circle Park, Knoxville, TN 37996