KNOXVILLE – The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees has once again approved an across-the-board, zero percent tuition increase for its campuses across the state. This marks the second time in the past three years that UT students and families will experience no increase in tuition.
“Rising inflation is hitting our students and families particularly hard,” UT Board of Trustees Chair John Compton said. “Due in large part because of Gov. Bill Lee and our Tennessee General Assembly’s historic higher education budget of $137 million, we are in the fortunate position to keep tuition and mandatory fees flat for FY 22-23.”
Board members also heard about significant enrollment growth across the UT System, with nearly all campuses ranking in the top quartile compared to peer institutions. Led by a strong increase in enrollment at UT Knoxville in 2021, the UT System exceeded its goal of a 2% increase, achieving 2.7%. Four-year and six-year graduation rates also increased systemwide in 2021, by 0.8% and 2% respectively.
“To be ranked so high against our peer institutions is exceptional,” Compton said. “I congratulate everyone here for staying focused and moving forward.”
The Board of Trustees also approved a measure that will classify military-affiliated students— veterans, active-duty military personnel, reservists, Tennessee National Guard members, and Army and Air Force ROTC cadets— as Tennessee residents in order to attend a UT institution of their choosing at the in-state tuition rate, regardless of their residence of origin. Earlier in the spring, legislation authorizing public university boards to classify veterans and military-affiliated individuals as in-state residents was approved by the Tennessee General Assembly and signed into law by Gov. Bill Lee. This new benefit will be extended to students starting in Fall 2022.
“This legislation and the Board’s action positions our UT campuses across the state among the best places in the country for military-affiliated and veteran students, no matter where they live in this country,” said UT System President Randy Boyd. “These men and women have exhibited great courage in selflessly serving our country. It’s time for us to be of service to them.”
In other business, trustees approved:
- Re-election of John Compton as chair of the UT Board of Trustees, along with committee chair appointments that include:
- Audit and Compliance – Decosta Jenkins
- Education, Research and Service – Jamie Woodson
- Finance and Administration – Bill Rhodes
- Appointment of Dr. Carrie Castille to senior vice chancellor/senior vice president for the UT Institute of Agriculture
- Annual presidential performance review, in which UT System President Randy Boyd achieved a 95% approval rating from University constituencies, chancellors, senior administrative staff and the UT Board of Trustees
- Funding for a 4% salary pool for employees, representing the largest salary pool increase in UT’s history ($28.3 million)
- Additional funding of $108 million for Phase I renovations to Neyland Stadium
- Capital Outlay Funding Requests, FY 2023-24 through FY 2027-28
- Capital Maintenance Funding Requests, FY 2023-24 through FY 2027-28
- Revenue/Institutionally Funded Capital Projects, FY 2023-24
Archived video of the committee and full board meetings can be accessed at https://trustees.tennessee.edu/.
Melissa Tindellmtindell@tennessee.edu
505 Summer Place, UT Tower, Knoxville, TN 37902
Natalie Keener
505 Summer Place, UT Tower, Knoxville, TN 37902