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PUBLIC NOTICE: UT Releases Proposed Tuition and Mandatory Fee Increases

Category: Announcements

Seal of the University of Tennessee

KNOXVILLE – The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees will be considering tuition and fee increases for each of its campuses when it meets June 24-25 in Knoxville.

In preparation for the meeting, the University has requested feedback from the public in accordance with Tennessee Code Annotated §49-7-1603, which requires boards of public universities to provide public notice of proposed increases to in-state, undergraduate tuition and mandatory fees at least 15 days prior to holding a public meeting.  Individuals may provide comments during the 15-day period, and a transcript of all comments will be provided to the UT Board of Trustees. The public comment period will end June 20 at 6 p.m. EDT/5 p.m. CDT. Anyone with a disability who wishes to provide feedback may contact the individuals listed below to request any additional assistance.

Detailed information regarding the tuition and mandatory fee proposals for each campus (including an explanation of the increases, the purpose for which revenue derived from these increases will be used, and a description of the efforts to mitigate the effect of these increases) and how to comment on any of the proposals, can be found at:

The University of Tennessee System distributes this notice to all faculty and staff as part of its compliance with the adequate public notice requirement of state open meetings law.


Melissa Tindell
505 Summer Place, UT Tower, Knoxville, TN 37902 

Rob Reburn
505 Summer Place, UT Tower, Knoxville, TN 37902

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Category: Announcements