Spark Cleantech Accelerator Announces Open Applications
The Spark Cleantech Accelerator is recruiting early-stage, high-growth businesses that target the climate crisis while supporting Tennessee’s advanced energy and circular economies.
The Spark Cleantech Accelerator is recruiting early-stage, high-growth businesses that target the climate crisis while supporting Tennessee’s advanced energy and circular economies.
About 150 representatives from universities, industry, and federal agencies, along with elected officials, attended Monday’s Southeast Regional Energy Innovation Workshop in Chattanooga, a forum to advance clean energy technology innovation in the region.
Top officials from the U.S. Department of Energy, Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee System will join elected and industry officials to discuss the potential economic benefits of innovation in the energy sector in the Southeast
Advances in solar technology may come as the result of a new electric vehicle charging station and solar panels at UT, created in partnership with the university’s West Tennessee Solar Farm.