UT Executive Search wordmark

Search Begins for Next UT Martin Chancellor

Nominations are being sought for the next chancellor of the University of Tennessee at Martin. The UT Martin chancellor serves as a member of the UT System leadership team, reporting directly to the University president, and as chief executive officer of the Martin campus.


UTRF Stacey Patterson with award winners
Dr. Maha Krishnamurthy, UTRF Assistant Vice President of Licensing, Dr. Stacey S. Patterson, UTRF Vice President, Dr. Jayne Wu, and Dr. Shigetoshi Eda.

2016 UTRF Innovation Award Ceremony Honors UT Researchers

The UT Research Foundation (UTRF) recognized 88 University of Tennessee researchers for their discoveries and commercialization efforts made within the last two years.


UT Knoxville Student Government Association President and Institute of Agriculture student Will Freeman at UT Day on the Hill.
Featured photo by Jennifer Sicking

UT Student Superstars Shine Bright at UT Day on the Hill

A collection of future doctors, lawyers, engineers, executives and idea-generators who lined the halls of Legislative Plaza on Wednesday all had one thing in common: the University of Tennessee.


State of the University of Tennessee

UT President to Deliver Inaugural State of the University Address

KNOXVILLE — University of Tennessee President Joe DiPietro presents his inaugural State of the University address in Nashville and via webcast on Tuesday, Feb. 16. The one-hour event begins at 3 pm CST/ 4 pm EST and will include a comprehensive assessment of the University’s recent achievements, challenges, and positions on significant issues. The program … Continued
