Donde Plowman, Randy Boyd and Frankie McGinnis
UT Interim President Randy Boyd joins UTK Chancellor Donde Plowman to sign the new UT System policy for organ donor leave into effect. Joining them are UT Athletics' Tom Satkowiak and UTCVM's Frankie McGinnis.
Photo by Sam Thomas

University of Tennessee Announces New Policy Regarding Paid Leave for Employees

The UT System has announced a new policy that gives paid time off for employees to donate a body organ or bone marrow.


UT Policies

Policy on a Drug- and Alcohol-free Campus and Workplace

The University of Tennessee is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff and students. This message should serve as an annual reminder of this commitment. In compliance with applicable state and federal laws, Human Resources Policy 720 prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of drugs (“controlled substances” … Continued

Employee Announcements

UT Policies

New Rules for Supervisors: Reporting Work-Related Injuries and Helping Employees Return to Work

In the event of a work-related injury or illness, all employees—especially supervisors—should be aware of changes to UT’s workers’ compensation policy and new requirements for helping employees return to work as quickly as possible. As always, employees who sustain life-threatening or serious workplace injuries should call 911 and seek treatment at the nearest emergency room. … Continued

Employee Announcements