Funeral Arrangements Announced for Joe Johnson
Funeral arrangements have been set for Joe Johnson, University of Tennessee president emeri
Funeral arrangements have been set for Joe Johnson, University of Tennessee president emeri
UT System President Emeritus Joe Johnson Mourned, Leaves Lasting Legacy
Following extensive study of uses for a 24-acre waterfront property in Knoxville, UT President Emeritus Joe Johnson announced a recommendation to transform the property into a retreat center and community showpiece for UT Knoxville student leadership development activities.
The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees today honored UT President Joe DiPietro for nearly eight years of leadership and bestowed upon him the status of president emeritus upon his retirement.
For 50 years, the University of Tennessee — made up of many parts — has moved with one voice for the good of its students, faculty, alumni and state. On July 1, 1968, the parts became one as a system.