NASHVILLE – U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper and Mark Cate, special assistant to Gov. Bill Haslam, spoke to more than 100 University of Tennessee alumni and UT officials at the winter meeting of the UT Advocacy Council on Saturday.
Cooper told the gathering, “The nation’s future depends on a world-class higher education system.”
“And we’ll do our part,” UT President Joe DiPietro assured the group as he emphasized the need and importance of engagement on behalf of UT.
“The University of Tennessee is unique in its mission and the impact it has on the quality of life of every Tennessean,” DiPietro said. “Passionate, informed advocates like all of you are critical to our ability to secure the resources and support necessary to fulfill our mission and enhance quality of life statewide and beyond.”
Cate recalled Gov. Haslam’s budget priorities from Monday’s State of the State address and highlighted several legislative issues. DiPietro reiterated his gratitude to the governor and the administration for higher education being among Haslam’s budget priorities.
In their separate presentations, both Cooper and Cate also made ample time available to answer questions.
The UT Advocacy Council works closely with the UT System offices of Alumni Affairs and Public and Government Relations to help when needed to advocate on University policy or funding concerns. An oversight committee includes alumni and University leaders from throughout the state: View here.
President Joe DiPietro and other University officials emphasized the value of strong relationships between UT alumni, staff and students and decision-makers in government. A website dedicated to UT Advocacy efforts has been launched and will be supported by a variety of social media tools.
Visit the site at:
Tags: Governor Bill Haslam, Jim Cooper, Mark Cate