Promoting a responsible and ethical workplace is everyone’s responsibility. We’re committed to doing our part and urge you to do yours by regularly reviewing UT’s Code of Conduct.
The code applies to all employees and is a helpful resource for finding applicable policies, available training and methods for answering questions and reporting known or suspected misconduct.
Several reporting options are available, including the new UT Compliance Hotline—an independent, third-party resource for anonymously reporting concerns of fraud, waste, abuse or non-compliance with laws or University policies. Reports to the hotline can be made by phone or online submission and are investigated immediately.
Questions can be directed to 865-974-6611 or comply@tennessee.edu. Thank you for your help in promoting and maintaining the workplace we all enjoy.
UT Office of Audit and Complianceaudit@tennessee.edu
(865) 974-6611
149 Conference Center Building, Knoxville, TN 37996