The University of Tennessee Research Foundation (UTRF) is announcing a call for submissions for the 12th annual UTRF Technology Maturation Grant program and the opportunity to win up to $15,000.
The program—which is open to UT researchers, faculty, staff and students—aims to assist researchers in advancing their technologies on the path to market.
Interested applicants should use the official UTRF Technology Maturation Grant Proposal form to provide a description of the technology, a plan of work, the expected outcome/impact, budget and an assessment of how the expected results will increase commercial opportunities. Projects must be related to an existing UT invention disclosure or a new invention disclosure must accompany the proposal. To submit a disclosure visit: idea.tennessee.edu
Following the submission deadline, a panel of technical and business experts will evaluate projects based on the following criteria: demonstration of a path for commercial development, market potential and stage of development. As part of the award process, chosen applicants will provide UTRF with interim and final reports describing increased knowledge and improvements in the subject technology. This information is expected to help UTRF better position the technologies for licensing and accelerate further development of the technology to attract commercial interest.
UTRF Technology Maturation Grant Proposals must be submitted to the appropriate campus research office by 5 p.m., Oct. 24. All proposals must be submitted using the official form, other formats will not be accepted. To download the proposal application and review a complete list of requirements and deadlines, visit: utrf.tennessee.edu/2020-utrf-technology-maturation-grant/
Tags: Featured, Technology, UT Research Foundation