Knoxville – University of Tennessee Board of Trustees has announced a series of town hall meetings designed to gather input and feedback on the appointment of interim president Randy Boyd to the presidency of the UT System for a term of an additional five years. Boyd has served as interim president since November 2018.
The town hall meetings will be held during the following dates and are open to students, faculty, staff, alumni and the community:
- Wednesday, March 4
3 – 4:30 p.m.
UT Chattanooga campus – University Center Auditorium
(615 McCallie Avenue) - Thursday, March 5
11:30 a.m. – 1 p.m.
UT Health Science Center – Student Alumni Center, OD Larry Dining Hall
(800 Madison Avenue) - Monday, March 9
3-4:30 p.m.
UT Knoxville campus – Student Union, Pilot Flying J Ballroom B&C
(1502 Cumberland Avenue) - Tuesday, March 10
3-4:30 p.m.
UT Martin – Boling University Center, Phillip Watkins Auditorium
(11 Wayne Fisher Drive) - Wednesday, March 11*
1-2:30 p.m.
Nashville – UT Polk Avenue Building
(193 Polk Avenue, Room 292)* In addition to hosting a live town hall, the session will also be streamed live for UT employees. Information on how to access the live stream will be sent to all employees in advance. A virtual question and answer session will also be available during this town hall meeting.
At its winter meeting on February 19, the UT Board of Trustees began its conversation to consider removing the interim from UT Interim President Randy Boyd’s title.
Based on positive feedback from Boyd’s review process—including hearing from legislators, University Faculty Council, as well as alumni, staff and student leadership councils and boards—UT Board Chair John Compton recommended at the Feb. 19 Board of Trustees meeting that consideration should be given to remove the interim title and extend Boyd’s term as president for a term of five additional years.
Compton added that he wanted to hear from UT’s students, faculty and staff regarding Boyd serving as president.
“I ask that you go campus by campus and state your case,” Compton said to Boyd at the board meeting.
During the town hall meetings, Boyd will articulate his vision for moving the University forward and respond to questions from campus constituents.
“Naming the president of the University of Tennessee System is one of our most important decisions that we will undertake as trustees, and I just want to make sure that we are as considerate and comprehensive as possible to all key stakeholders,” Compton said.
Campus security protocols will be in effect for these town hall meetings. A sign language interpreter will be available at each town hall meeting.
For more information, please visit trustees.tennessee.edu/ut-president-town-hall/.
Tags: Featured, John Compton, Randy Boyd, UT Board of Trustees, UT Presidents