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UT Board of Trustees Committee to Meet Sept. 11

The United States flag flies in the foreground in front of the University seal carved in stone on the front of a UT building

KNOXVILLE – The Executive Committee of University of Tennessee Board of Trustees will hold a virtual meeting at 9 a.m. EDT/8 a.m. CDT on Sept. 11.

Following continued guidance by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) regarding COVID-19 and in compliance with the Tennessee Pledge and local guidelines, the meeting will be held virtually with all Board members participating electronically or by telephone. Interested individuals are encouraged to watch the meeting online. The meeting will be webcast live and archived for later viewing; a link to the webcast will be available at


Executive Committee Meeting

Friday, Sept. 11, 2020
9:00 a.m. EDT/ 8:00 a.m. CDT

Stand-alone Player


Items on the Executive Committee agenda include:

Anyone with a disability or otherwise needing assistance to attend this virtual meeting may contact the individuals listed below to request auxiliary aids or services needed to facilitate attendance. Contact may be made in writing, by email, or by telephone and should be received no later than 5 p.m. EDT, Wednesday, Sept. 9.

The agenda and materials for the meeting is available at:


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