The University of Tennessee System’s “Everywhere You Look, UT” campaign is spreading to Haywood County with the installation of its 37th mural on the Nunn Cotton Company building in Brownsville’s Historic Town Square.
Painting of the 14-foot-wide mural began on April 6 and completed by the end of the weekend.
Nunn Cotton Company owner Jim Nunn is a 1977 graduate of the University of Tennessee, Knoxville–but his connections to the University span far beyond his alumnus-status.
“I grew up a Vol,” said Nunn. “My late father caught a train from Memphis to Knoxville in 1927 to begin his education at UT, and, from then forward, the Nunns have been Vols.”
Nunn’s sister and two sons are also UT Knoxville graduates.
Nunn credits his experiences at UT, from his membership in the Alpha Gamma Rho fraternity to working as an assistant Extension agent in Tipton County after graduation, for preparing him for his current role in the cotton industry.
“My time with Extension, along with my UT education, helped prepare me for my career as a cotton broker,” said Nunn.
Nunn has remained connected to UT throughout his career, having served as a member of the UT Institute of Agriculture’s advisory board and on various selection committees for the board.
“Being a member of the board gave me the opportunity to have a fuller glance at the workings of UTIA and its efforts to help Tennesseans,” Nunn said. “It also demonstrated to me the quality of the leadership in UTIA throughout the years and how fortunate Tennessee agriculture has been to have the institute since its establishment 50-something years ago.”
Additionally, as a cotton professional in the state’s largest cotton producing county, Nunn has frequently looked to UTIA for its expertise.
“Having experts in cotton production and other crops based just a half an hour away in Jackson is a blessing,” Nunn said.
After passing by the UT mural on the Robinson & Belew grain bin in Sharon, Nunn knew he wanted to bring the campaign to his home county.
“For many Tennesseans, the first thing they think about is Volunteer football,” said Nunn. “But UT is much more than that, and I think this is a great way to advertise that.”
Nunn hopes that the 10-foot-tall mural will serve as a reminder of UT’s broad impact for the 5,951 daily travelers that pass by his building.
“I’m excited to see the mural on the side of my building,” said Nunn. “And I’m proud to be a UT graduate.”
To learn more about the campaign and its locations, download photos or to nominate a canvas, visit the campaign website.
Ellie Doughertydougherty@tennessee.edu
505 Summer Place, UT Tower #1242, Knoxville, TN 37902