UT Board of Trustees Sets Record Low Tuition
The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees today approved the record fourth year of low tuition increases, including two campuses remaining flat.
The University of Tennessee Board of Trustees today approved the record fourth year of low tuition increases, including two campuses remaining flat.
Dr. Millhorn, who joined UT System Administration in 2005 as vice president for research and economic development, was 72. During his tenure at UT, Millhorn oversaw multiple, unprecedented achievements for the University’s research enterprise.
The award began in 1973 and as of Friday’s presentation, it has gone to a total of 90 recipients who include ORNL lab directors, scientists, and distinguished statesmen such as Howard Baker and Al Gore. Millhorn won the award for his leadership with both UT and ORNL.
Patterson fills a vacancy created by David Millhorn’s move to the position of UT senior vice president emeritus and national laboratory relations advisor. Patterson’s appointment is effective as of July 1, 2017, and she will serve in an interim role until the UT Board of Trustees acts on DiPietro’s recommendation of her appointment in November.
The UT Research Foundation (UTRF) recognized dozens of University of Tennessee researchers for their discoveries and commercialization efforts made within the last year at the 2016 Innovation Awards Ceremony, held December 2 in Knoxville.