OAK RIDGE, Tenn — Rigoberto “Gobet” Advincula has been named Governor’s Chair of Advanced and Nanostructured Materials at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory and the University of Tennessee.

Advincula joins ORNL and UT as a polymer and materials scientist with expertise in nanostructured materials — leveraging the structure and functionalities of materials on a near-atomic, nanometer length scale. His career spans basic-to-applied research in characterizing and developing new materials for areas including sensors, electro-optics, biotechnology, biomedicine, energy production and advance manufacturing.
“I am honored to join both ORNL and UT as a Governor’s Chair and excited to be able to contribute to the success and prestige of both institutions,” Advincula said.
The Governor’s Chair program fuels a research partnership between UT and ORNL by attracting top talent to advance key science areas.
Advincula makes the 15th addition to the elite group of scientists working jointly at ORNL and UT to pursue innovative research in manufacturing, materials science, biological sciences, energy sciences, nuclear science and urban design.
Advincula’s hiring by ORNL underscores the lab’s initiative to push materials sciences to new frontiers. He will lead the lab’s Macromolecular Nanomaterials group at the Center for Nanophase Materials Sciences, or CNMS, a DOE Office of Science User Facility that specializes in the conception and design of new materials for energy technologies and other critical applications. CNMS is one of five DOE Nanoscale Science Research Centers.
The group leader role positions Advincula at the forefront of a dynamic user program in polymer and soft matter science enhanced by ORNL’s leadership capabilities in neutron scattering and high-performance computing.
As a Governor’s Chair, Advincula will serve joint appointments at ORNL and UT, where he will serve in the Tickle College of Engineering’s Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering. Advincula is the third Governor’s Chair named to that department, joining Thomas Zawodzinski and Art Ragauskas.
Originally published at ornl.gov
Tags: Featured, Governor's Chairs, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tickle College of Engineering, UT Knoxville, UT-Battelle