UT Policies

Policy on a Drug- and Alcohol-free Campus and Workplace

The University of Tennessee is committed to maintaining a safe and healthy environment for all faculty, staff and students. This message should serve as an annual reminder of this commitment. In compliance with applicable state and federal laws, Human Resources Policy 720 prohibits the unlawful use, manufacture, possession, distribution or dispensing of drugs (“controlled substances” … Continued

Employee Announcements

Ron Maples to be Recommended Next UT Treasurer

Ron Maples, longtime administrator, controller and interim treasurer, has been selected to serve as permanent treasurer, reporting to the chief financial officer. UT President Joe DiPietro will make the recommendation to the UT Board of Trustees for approval at its meeting March 28-29 in Chattanooga. Maples has been a University employee for 40 years. His … Continued

Employee Announcements

Human Resources

Staff Performance Reviews Due March 31

If you are a supervisor who conducts reviews, please start scheduling meetings, compiling notes and setting new goals for each member of your team. For all staff members, please begin preparing for your own review by thinking through the conversation you’d like to have with your supervisor.

Employee Announcements